CB1/SLT3 - Sentinel Lite UltraSecure Single Door Cabinet
Typical Applications
- Sentinel Lite UltraSecure surface mounted cabinets are designed for housing various types of equipment, e.g. electrical, communication, switchgear, etc., as used by the utility industries.
- Rural/urban locations with low/medium risk of vandalism.
Standard Product Features
- Tested and certified to Loss Prevention Certification Board LPS 1175: Issue 7, Security Rating 3, when fitted with approved padlock, Certificate number 450q. Designed to resist determined opportunist attacks by physical force and tools, as list by the LPCB testing procedures.
- Sloping roof for water shedding
- Door hinged right hand side as standard.
- Internal bolt down flanges.
- Manufactured from minimum 1.2mm pre-galvanised sheet.
- A variety of locking mechanism options available.
- Auto Safety door stay
- External paint finishes are available for aesthetic appearance.